About The Founder 

One Step at a Time!

Soleil H. Smith, PhD

TCC Founder and CEO  

Soleil Smith is a Colorado native, now living life as a social change MASTER in the beautiful state of Washington! She has her PhD in Forensic Psychology and has over a decade of experience working with children, adolescents, and families in both a correctional and therapeutic setting. 

With her long term experience in the correctional field, working with juvenile delinquents, adolescent trouble makers, and adult offenders, Soleil has seen the progression of the life span and how adolescent and adult behaviors are a reflection of childhood experiences. 

EVEN if you think your child is "fine" or is going through a "phase", it is NOT OKAY to have a child who acts good in school but not at home, who has had a traumatic event happen without being given proper therapy from a licensed professional, who lies, cheats or steals, or even keeps their emotions inside for fear of other people's reactions.

Soleil has found her passion in ensuring parents are given ALL of the resources available to raise children who become successful and truly happy with themselves.

Soleil is passionate about helping families work better together to raise positive and happy children, establishing routine and discipline, and finding effective ways to navigate the sometimes rough waters of parenting.

She utilizes 'old school' and 'new school' approaches to help parents best address their children's behavior, personality, and mindset in order to become the BEST adult they can!

Since no two families are the same, and no child is like another (even if born from the same parents!) there is no "one size fits all" for behavior modification.

Though she is focused on encouragement and a solidified union between all members of a family, she is not your "typical" interventionist. She is tough. She is intelligent. She is effective. Most of all, she is MAGICAL!

Call Soleil today, get to know her, have a conversation over coffee, set up a Zoom call, or even just email her. She is ready to help you help yourself and she is ready to help you create lasting change! 

Ready. Set. Go!

Soleil H. Smith, PhD (970) 901-5281. tactfulchangeconsulting@gmail.com 
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