Did You Know?

Nearly 54% of U.S. families struggle financially. This can increase tension within the household, cause arguments between adults, and make parents feel guilty about not providing their children with what they believe they should have. If dealt with improperly, this can lead children to grow up stealing, lying or cheating. With crime peaking at 17 years old it is imperative to address the early childhood and adolescent factors that lead to negative behaviors.

* If you knew a simple shift such as setting boundaries for homework and bedtime could help reduce your child's likelihood of future arrest, being in an abusive relationship or having low self confidence, would you do it?

With an average of 50% of marriages ending in divorce, a happy home has never been more important than now. Children who have experienced parental divorce are more likely to experience adolescent adjustment problems such as academic difficulties, disruptive behaviors, and depressed mood.

Stable homes with one or two parents (yes single parent homes are just as able to raise well rounded kids) who know how to effectively communicate, properly discipline and set age appropriate boundaries, end up raising children who flourish developmentally, emotionally and educationally.

* If you knew how to provide a stable home for your children that would increase their success emotionally, physically and academically, would you do it?

On average, 78% of adolescents 11-17 have consumed substances such as alcohol, cocaine, amphetamines, marijuana, prescription pills (not prescribed to them) and opioids. Fatalities that occur from this use have increased 19% for adolescents and have been linked to: depression, suicide, unintentional overdose, family problems, and bullying.

* If you knew that your child would overdose when they turned 16 because they could not appropriately cope with life changes, mental health concerns or bullying, would you change your parenting style now?

Raising a family is hard. That's not new information to any parent out there. Trying to balance your finances, work, school, mental health, intimate relationship(s), and establishing boundaries with your children is ALOT. Do not discredit your ability to be the BEST PARENT for your children.

Soleil H. Smith, PhD (970) 901-5281. tactfulchangeconsulting@gmail.com 
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